Neuroscientist: New Studies Reveal 7 Minutes of This Ancient Brainwave Manifests Wealth and Abundance
Neuroscientist: New Studies Reveal 7 Minutes of This Ancient Brainwave Manifests Wealth and Abundance
It’s a mystery to most people.
Like all the greatest mysteries in Iife, though...
The answer is usually deceptively simple.
And if you’re reading this right now…my guess is…
No one so far has ever explained the one thing you need to do to get wealthy beyond your wildest dreams.
I’d even guess you’ve been lied to by multiple so-called manifestation Gurus.
Lied to about what it really takes to magnetically attract wealth and abundance. In the next few minutes, I am about to reveal to you the one simple thing you need to do to attract your every desire effortlessly...
It’s a mystery to most people.
Like all the greatest mysteries in Iife, though...
The answer is usually deceptively simple.
And if you’re reading this right now…my guess is…
No one so far has ever explained the one thing you need to do to get wealthy beyond your wildest dreams.
I’d even guess you’ve been lied to by multiple so-called manifestation Gurus.
Lied to about what it really takes to magnetically attract wealth and abundance. In the next few minutes, I am about to reveal to you the one simple thing you need to do to attract your every desire effortlessly...
I won’t be talking about:
None of these work for most people.
That’s the sad truth of it.
Otherwise, a lot more people would be wealthy.
I bought every manifestation course and program out there.
And never once did I hear anybody talk about this one thing to put wealth attraction on autopilot like this.
I never saw it on Google or YouTube…
.…Or on TV or radio.
You won’t find it on any of these platforms because you’d be looking in the wrong place.
I won’t be talking about:
None of these work for most people.
That’s the sad truth of it.
Otherwise, a lot more people would be wealthy.
I bought every manifestation course and program out there.
And never once did I hear anybody talk about this one thing to put wealth attraction on autopilot like this.
I never saw it on Google or YouTube…
.…Or on TV or radio.
You won’t find it on any of these platforms because you’d be looking in the wrong place.
The real place to look is INSIDE YOU.
The real place to look is INSIDE YOU.
That’s right.
The potential to live a life where money and wealth flow to you effortlessly is inside you right now.
It’s a secret scientific discovery revealed to me when I was at my lowest point in life.
When I had a chance to encounter a Rogue scientist who re-discovered an ancient wealth attraction part of our brain.
…A secret which ancient Egyptians had used to manifest powers beyond this world…but was forgotten or discarded over the centuries.
Except by geniuses like Tesla, Einstein, and Edison…
Who all alluded to this lost manifestation secret in their writings and experiments.
This former Pentagon scientist was sick of this secret being solely in the hands of rich elites who just want to satisfy their own greedy desires.
The secret lies in a little-known part of your brain.
About the size of a grain of rice.
I know it sounds too simple to be true, but...I'll prove to you in just a minute that...
This part of our brain…when clear and functioning correctly…
Allows you to experience the deepest, most powerful manifestation brain frequency…
…Or the deepest manifestation "mind-state" that neuroscientists know of today…
But when this small brain part is blocked, like it is for most people…
It creates a life of struggle and hardship.
Where there never seems to be enough money.
Where life is a never-ending sequence of unexpected bills, charges, payments, and financial insecurity.
All you need to activate this tiny ‘wealth attraction center’ in your Brain is a simple 7-minute morning ritual…
…To automatically attract every little thing you ever wanted.
That’s right.
The potential to live a life where money and wealth flow to you effortlessly is inside you right now.
It’s a secret scientific discovery revealed to me when I was at my lowest point in life.
When I had a chance to encounter a Rogue scientist who re-discovered an ancient wealth attraction part of our brain.
…A secret which ancient Egyptians had used to manifest powers beyond this world…but was forgotten or discarded over the centuries.
Except by geniuses like Tesla, Einstein, and Edison…
Who all alluded to this lost manifestation secret in their writings and experiments.
This former Pentagon scientist was sick of this secret being solely in the hands of rich elites who just want to satisfy their own greedy desires.
The secret lies in a little-known part of your brain.
About the size of a grain of rice.
I know it sounds too simple to be true, but…I’ll prove to you in just a minute that…
This part of our brain…when clear and functioning correctly…
Allows you to experience the deepest, most powerful manifestation brain frequency…
…Or the deepest manifestation "mind-state" that neuroscientists know of today…
But when this small brain part is blocked, like it is for most people…
It creates a life of struggle and hardship.
Where there never seems to be enough money.
Where life is a never-ending sequence of unexpected bills, charges, payments, and financial insecurity.
All you need to activate this tiny ‘wealth attraction center’ in your Brain is a simple 7-minute morning ritual…
…To automatically attract every little thing you ever wanted.
Margaret from Ohio did it and attracted an unexpected promotion that doubled her income overnight.
Joseph from London in the UK won more in one night at the casino than anyone in the previous three months.
And they both thought they were somehow cursed with bad luck before they found this page.
And it’s easier than you could ever imagine.
If you feel you never have enough money…
That’s all about to change today.
Margaret from Ohio did it and attracted an unexpected promotion that doubled her income overnight.
Joseph from London in the UK won more in one night at the casino than anyone in the previous three months.
And they both thought they were somehow cursed with bad luck before they found this page.
And it’s easier than you could ever imagine.
If you feel you never have enough money…
That’s all about to change today.
Feel trapped on a constant hamster wheel of working just to get by?
That will change, too.
According to leading Russian and Canadian scientists…
This is the missing link when it comes to manifesting your dream life using proven scientific Neuroscience research.
I’m talking about automatically and effortlessly being able to attract lucrative opportunities…
Or attract money along with more energy, better dates, and even vibrant health...
Without having to journal.
Or do special Buddhist-type meditations.
Or remember anything.
I can promise you have never heard of anything like this before.
Feel trapped on a constant hamster wheel of working just to get by?
That will change, too.
According to leading Russian and Canadian scientists…
This is the missing link when it comes to manifesting your dream life using proven scientific Neuroscience research.
I’m talking about automatically and effortlessly being able to attract lucrative opportunities...
Or attract money along with more energy, better dates, and even vibrant health...
Without having to journal.
Or do special Buddhist-type meditations.
Or remember anything.
I can promise you have never heard of anything like this before.
But as some Elite shadowy groups would rather keep this a secret…
They have already started sending some threatening messages to my phone that made my blood run cold when they got wind of this website.
And some harsh legal letters threatening to have this site taken down.
So whatever you do…stay here while this page is still live.
I know this may sound a little crazy…
But 13,157 people in over 34 countries have already used this secret to become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.
Keep reading and there’s a good chance you’re about to join them.
And since I’m about to reveal a personal life-changing scientific discovery and a rather humiliating story…
I guess it’s only right that I should introduce myself.
But as some Elite shadowy groups would rather keep this a secret…
They have already started sending some threatening messages to my phone that made my blood run cold when they got wind of this website.
And some harsh legal letters threatening to have this site taken down.
So whatever you do…stay here while this page is still live. I know this may sound a little crazy…
But 13,157 people in over 34 countries have already used this secret to become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.
Keep reading and there’s a good chance… you’re about to join them.
And since I’m about to reveal a personal life-changing scientific discovery and a rather humiliating story…
I guess it’s only right that I should introduce myself.
My name is John Rivers,
and I’m not a scientist or a famous manifestation Guru.
Or anything of the kind.
I never thought I’d be in a position like this…
Revealing this manifestation secret here today.
Or what happens next…
My name is John Rivers,
and I’m not a scientist or a famous manifestation Guru.
Or anything of the kind.
I never thought I’d be in a position like this…
Revealing this manifestation secret here today.
Or what happens next…
“You’re such a loser, John."
"How could you have lost yet another job?"
"How are we supposed to make our car payment next month now?"
"My Dad was right about you."
"I should have never married you.”
Then came the blow that would shatter me
into a million pieces.
“I wish your friend Jeff had talked to me first seven years ago in that bar before you on the first night we met."
"Maybe I would've ended up with him."
"He’s got a great career and a great salary."
"He’s really going somewhere."
"And he knows how to take care of his wife and child."
"He’s a provider."
"I don’t know what you are…But not someone I should have had a child with or chosen as a husband.”
“You’re such a loser, John."
"How could you have lost yet another job?"
"How are we supposed to make our car payment next month now?"
"My Dad was right about you."
"I should have never married you.”
Then came the blow that would shatter me into a million pieces.
“I wish your friend Jeff had talked to me first seven years ago in that bar before you on the first night we met."
"Maybe I would've ended up with him."
"He’s got a great career and a great salary."
"He’s really going somewhere."
"And he knows how to take care of his wife and child."
"He’s a provider."
"I don’t know what you are…But not someone I should have had a child with or chosen as a husband.”
My wife Catherine shouted those words at me just two years ago. They felt like a massive kick in the you know what.
My wife Catherine shouted those words at me just two years ago. They felt like a massive kick in the you know what.
Every ounce of manhood and self-respect drained from my body.
I had lost yet another sales job.
I’d been there about six months selling life insurance over the phone.
It was a grind.
Getting told to F off multiple times a day by strangers I’d call up.
But somehow, I managed to hang in there.
The odd sale helped me to keep my job.
But on the previous Friday…my lackluster performance the previous quarter had caught up with me.
Steve, my line manager, brought me into his office and told me he was going to let me go.
It took me till Sunday to work up the courage to tell my wife, Catherine.
I didn’t even have the heart yet to tell Jamie...
My 10-year-old son who still looked up to me as the hero in his life.
I promised to take him to his favorite waterpark the following month.
I felt sick to my stomach as I realized I just didn’t have the money for us to go.
I didn’t grow up dreaming of doing sales in a call center.
I always thought I’d own my own successful company or something.
But that’s not how it worked out.
I read The Secret years ago.
That got me into the whole manifestation and law of attraction thing…
But nothing I tried to manifest…well…manifested.
No matter how many scratch cards or lottery tickets I bought…
I never won anything.
I tried working harder. But that didn’t work.
I lost money to Crypto scams.
Get rich quick online programs.
I tried to change my thinking with hypnotherapy.
But that didn't work either.
I was running out of ideas fast on how to turn my luck around.
I think I’d forgotten the meaning of the word luck.
Catherine handed me a piece of paper after she finished yelling at me.
“Here’s some groceries we need for the week.”
“Maybe you pick them up for me and at least get that right,”
she barked sarcastically.
The door was slammed in my face as I left the house.
I felt a wave of dejection wash over me as I walked the streets on the short journey to the store.
There was a deathly silence in the air that day.
The silence was broken only by the sound of my footsteps.
I bought what we needed in the store.
Forced a polite smile to the checkout girl and made my way to the exit.
Every ounce of manhood and self-respect drained from my body.
I had lost yet another sales job.
I’d been there about six months selling life insurance over the phone.
It was a grind.
Getting told to F off multiple times a day by strangers I’d call up.
But somehow, I managed to hang in there.
The odd sale helped me to keep my job.
But on the previous Friday…my lackluster performance the previous quarter had caught up with me.
Steve, my line manager, brought me into his office and told me he was going to let me go.
It took me till Sunday to work up the courage to tell my wife, Catherine.
I didn’t even have the heart yet to tell Jamie...
My 10-year-old son who still looked up to me as the hero in his life.
I promised to take him to his favorite waterpark the following month.
I felt sick to my stomach as I realized I just didn’t have the money for us to go.
I didn’t grow up dreaming of doing sales in a call center.
I always thought I’d own my own successful company or something.
But that’s not how it worked out.
I read The Secret years ago.
That got me into the whole manifestation and law of attraction thing…
But nothing I tried to manifest…well…manifested.
No matter how many scratch cards or lottery tickets I bought…
I never won anything.
I tried working harder. But that didn’t work.
I lost money to Crypto scams.
Get rich quick online programs.
I tried to change my thinking with hypnotherapy.
But that didn't work either.
I was running out of ideas fast on how to turn my luck around.
I think I’d forgotten the meaning of the word luck.
Catherine handed me a piece of paper after she finished yelling at me.
“Here’s some groceries we need for the week.”
“Maybe you pick them up for me and at least get that right,”
she barked sarcastically.
The door was slammed in my face as I left the house.
I felt a wave of dejection wash over me as I walked the streets on the short journey to the store.
There was a deathly silence in the air that day.
The silence was broken only by the sound of my footsteps.
I bought what we needed in the store.
Forced a polite smile to the checkout girl and made my way to the exit.
“Is that you John?”
That voice sounded familiar.
It couldn’t be. But it was.
Standing amidst the colorful displays of produce and
packaged goods was Michael, my old high school friend.
Michael was the high school nerd back then.
The Nerd other people made fun of.
The guy who never got the girls. Got bullied by the jocks.
There was always something about Michael I liked, though.
He had a good heart.
He was honest.
So, I stood up for him as best I could.
Told the kids to leave him alone.
And we struck up a kind of unlikely friendship.
But had lost touch over the years.
He went to some Ivy League college last I heard.
The years had certainly transformed Michael.
Gone was the shy, introverted boy who tried to blend into the background and lose himself in his science books and experiments.
In his place stood a confident, self-assured man, his eyes sparkling with an intensity I had never seen before.
We soon fell into an easy conversation, reminiscing about our school days.
As we talked, I couldn't help but notice a palpable aura of success surrounding Michael.
He had pursued a career in science and worked for large government agencies like the Pentagon and for a number of big private-sector research companies over the years.
I think his success only made my inner feelings of failure stronger.
So strong, in fact, I could not help blurting them out to Michael.
We had always confided in each other, and I knew I could trust him.
It all came spilling out as I struggled to hold back some tears.
The multiple job losses.
The lack of money.
The fact I had let down Catherine and our son.
While I was telling the story… Michael just smiled.
“That’s a lot of bad luck,” he said.
“And sounds like you’re the one being bullied right now.”
“Is that you John?”
That voice sounded familiar.
It couldn’t be. But it was.
Standing amidst the colorful displays of produce and
packaged goods was Michael, my old high school friend.
Michael was the high school nerd back then.
The Nerd other people made fun of.
The guy who never got the girls. Got bullied by the jocks.
There was always something about Michael I liked, though.
He had a good heart.
He was honest.
So, I stood up for him as best I could.
Told the kids to leave him alone.
And we struck up a kind of unlikely friendship.
But had lost touch over the years.
He went to some Ivy League college last I heard.
The years had certainly transformed Michael.
Gone was the shy, introverted boy who tried to blend into the background and lose himself in his science books and experiments.
In his place stood a confident, self-assured man, his eyes sparkling with an intensity I had never seen before.
We soon fell into an easy conversation, reminiscing about our school days.
As we talked, I couldn't help but notice a palpable aura of success surrounding Michael.
He had pursued a career in science and worked for large government agencies like the Pentagon and for a number of big private-sector research companies over the years.
I think his success only made my inner feelings of failure stronger.
So strong, in fact, I could not help blurting them out to Michael.
We had always confided in each other, and I knew I could trust him.
It all came spilling out as I struggled to hold back some tears.
The multiple job losses.
The lack of money.
The fact I had let down Catherine and our son.
While I was telling the story… Michael just smiled.
“That’s a lot of bad luck,” he said.
“And sounds like you’re the one being bullied right now.”
He was right.
My wife, my boss. Even life itself was using me as a doormat.
“I want to help,” he said.
"I always hoped for a chance to help pay you back for the help you gave me.
And now I know exactly how I will do it."
“You know I’m a scientist."
“I mean, I’ve always loved science” “But I believe in luck as well.”
“Or serendipity.”
“And I believe it’s serendipity that we met today."
“I believe your luck is about to change.”
Michael reached into his pocket and I thought for a second he was going to offer me some cash.
But just then...he pulled out a business card and gave it to me.
“I’m the head researcher at this lab now.”
“I want you to come here tomorrow at 8am and ask for me.”
I asked Michael what he had in mind…and he just said,
“That would spoil the surprise.”
I had nothing to lose, and Michael was the first person I met in a long time offering any help.
So I said, “Sure, see you then.”
I pressed the buzzer and was greeted by Michael in his white coat.
“I brought you here on a Saturday because there is no one else around.” He whispered.
“We’ve been commissioned over the last 12 months to look into what we call the ‘flow state’ of mind."
"And more specifically…the brain frequencies involved in the flow state.”
Michael explained how he could only share this with me in private because the research had been funded by a subsidiary of the Pentagon.
"You can understand how the Pentagon might be interested in The Flow State," Michael said.
"After all… The Elites, politicians, and super-wealthy that influence what happens in the Pentagon are always looking for a mental or physical edge over the common man to further enrich themselves."
"So we studied ‘Flow State’ for the last 12 months."
"The state that some call ‘in the zone’ or the ‘locked in' state."
"That state where people perform at the highest level."
"In short…the research was a success."
"We made some interesting discoveries."
"Our sponsors were pleased with our progress.”
“Something astounding."
"As we used our technology more..."
"We found the subjects in our trial were going into a deeper flow state in their minds."
"Using our technology…"
"Test subjects could access at will…deeper, more profound states of relaxation and laser focus that none of us ever experienced before.
"We began to call this new state..."
He was right.
My wife, my boss. Even life itself was using me as a doormat.
“I want to help,” he said.
"I always hoped for a chance to help pay you back for the help you gave me.
And now I know exactly how I will do it."
“You know I’m a scientist."
“I mean, I’ve always loved science” “But I believe in luck as well.”
“Or serendipity.”
“And I believe it’s serendipity that we met today."
“I believe your luck is about to change.”
Michael reached into his pocket and I thought for a second he was going to offer me some cash.
But just then...he pulled out a business card and gave it to me.
“I’m the head researcher at this lab now.”
“I want you to come here tomorrow at 8am and ask for me.”
I asked Michael what he had in mind…and he just said,
“That would spoil the surprise.”
I had nothing to lose, and Michael was the first person I met in a long time offering any help.
So I said, “Sure, see you then.”
I pressed the buzzer and was greeted by Michael in his white coat.
“I brought you here on a Saturday because there is no one else around.” He whispered.
“We’ve been commissioned over the last 12 months to look into what we call the ‘flow state’ of mind."
"And more specifically…the brain frequencies involved in the flow state.”
Michael explained how he could only share this with me in private because the research had been funded by a subsidiary of the Pentagon.
“It’s been talked about by CNN, CBS, Time Magazine, TED talks…and multiple other places.
The flow state is an elusive state of consciousness.”
“It’s characterized by intense focus, heightened creativity, and an effortless sense of execution.”
“It’s long been associated with peak performance, yet its underlying mechanisms remain shrouded in mystery.”
"You can understand how the Pentagon might be interested in The Flow State," Michael said.
"After all… The Elites, politicians, and super-wealthy that influence what happens in the Pentagon are always looking for a mental or physical edge over the common man to further enrich themselves."
"So we studied ‘Flow State’ for the last 12 months."
"The state that some call ‘in the zone’ or the ‘locked in' state."
"That state where people perform at the highest level."
"In short…the research was a success."
"We made some interesting discoveries."
"Our sponsors were pleased with our progress.”
“Something astounding."
"As we used our technology more..."
"We found the subjects in our trial were going into a deeper flow state in their minds."
"Using our technology…"
"Test subjects could access at will…deeper, more profound states of relaxation and laser focus that none of us ever experienced before.
"We began to call this new state..."
“The Deep Flow State.”
“The Deep Flow State.”
“Inside this new state, their brain worked better than ever before.”
“They were sharper.”
“More creative.”
“And in this new deep state of blissful focus, as some were calling it…”
“They experienced all sorts of new positive changes in their lives.”
“And the most notable was more luck or good fortune.”
“Small-medium Lotto wins.”
“Pay rises.”
“Unexplained money showing up from nowhere”
“This was not entirely surprising, but the luck and good fortune people were experiencing was off the charts.”
“There had been some Harvard research connecting the flow state to increased levels of luck before.”
“Inside this new state, their brain worked better than ever before.”
“They were sharper.”
“More creative.”
“And in this new deep state of blissful focus, as some were calling it…”
“They experienced all sorts of new positive changes in their lives.”
“And the most notable was more luck or good fortune.”
“Small-medium Lotto wins.”
“Pay rises.”
“Unexplained money showing up from nowhere”
“This was not entirely surprising, but the luck and good fortune people were experiencing was off the charts.”
“There had been some Harvard research connecting the flow state to increased levels of luck before.”
“Alpha waves (8-12 Hz) are the most commonly associated with this deep flow state in our research.”
“These waves create a super relaxed, focused state of mind.”
“When we told our research funding company about this deep flow state…The alpha wave frequency and the kind of results people were seeing…”
“Things changed… FAST.”
“We were given a bunch of extra confidentiality documents to sign.”
“And two of the researchers who won what you might call serious money were suddenly transferred to another project.”
“But when their friends on my team tried to contact them…
They could not be found.
A little later on…
We were instructed to shut everything down overnight…hand over all our findings… and told to discontinue the research into this deep flow state and the alpha brain frequency.”
“I agreed on paper,” Michael said.
“But because I’m a neuroscientist, I wanted to share my findings with the world."
"I did not just want this technology and my findings to stay in the hands of the elites who were backing this research to make politicians and elite business owners who control the government more successful."
“I wanted to share this knowledge with other people.”
“Alpha waves (8-12 Hz) are the most commonly associated with this deep flow state in our research.”
“These waves create a super relaxed, focused state of mind.”
“When we told our research funding company about this deep flow state…The alpha wave frequency and the kind of results people were seeing…”
“Things changed… FAST.”
“We were given a bunch of extra confidentiality documents to sign.”
“And two of the researchers who won what you might call serious money were suddenly transferred to another project.”
“But when their friends on my team tried to contact them…
They could not be found.
A little later on…
We were instructed to shut everything down overnight…hand over all our findings… and told to discontinue the research into this deep flow state and the alpha brain frequency.”
“I agreed on paper,” Michael said.
“But because I’m a neuroscientist, I wanted to share my findings with the world."
"I did not just want this technology and my findings to stay in the hands of the elites who were backing this research to make politicians and elite business owners who control the government more successful."
“I wanted to share this knowledge with other people.”
I was kind of skeptical at first.
I mean could attracting money really be this easy?
Nothing I tried had ever worked.
But then I started fantasizing about what my life could be like if I had this technology working for me and could get into a Deep Flow State.
How I could treat my son whenever he liked and bring him to his favorite waterpark all the time.
How bills and those red topped warning letters demanding money would be a thing of the past.
How my money worries would evaporate like water on a hot skillet, and I could feel a new sense of peace and confidence when it came to money.
I was kind of skeptical at first.
I mean could attracting money really be this easy?
Nothing I tried had ever worked.
But then I started fantasizing about what my life could be like if I had this technology working for me and could get into a Deep Flow State.
How I could treat my son whenever he liked and bring him to his favorite waterpark all the time.
How bills and those red topped warning letters demanding money would be a thing of the past.
How my money worries would evaporate like water on a hot skillet, and I could feel a new sense of peace and confidence when it came to money.
Michael looked at me and smiled.
“Often referred to as the "third eye" and commonly known as the 6th Chakra due to its shape and association with mystical and spiritual experiences...
It regulates sleep-wake cycles and has been linked to various cognitive functions, including memory, learning, and consciousness.”
“The G in Gamma is for THE GRIND.”
Michael looked at me and smiled.
“Often referred to as the "third eye" and commonly known as the 6th Chakra due to its shape and association with mystical and spiritual experiences...
It regulates sleep-wake cycles and has been linked to various cognitive functions, including memory, learning, and consciousness.”
“The G in Gamma is for THE GRIND.”
“And here’s what the researchers wanted to cover up…”
The blockage of our pineal glands and the inability to enter into the deep flow states of alpha waves where we can manifest at will!
“And here’s what the researchers wanted to cover up…”
The blockage of our pineal glands and the inability to enter into the deep flow states of alpha waves where we can manifest at will!
And it makes sense if you think about it.
For thousands of years, the next thought the rich have right after they get their money is…
How to hold on to it?
And a big part of that plan is stopping others from getting rich.
The last thing the rich and elites want is competition in the form of more and more rich people.
Which also means for the vast majority of people with a blocked pineal gland or 6th Chakra…
The money, freedom, vacations, and cars are always out of reach.
So no matter what you try to attract...
The chances are…you won’t.
This is what the Elites are hiding from you.
And it makes sense if you think about it.
For thousands of years, the next thought the rich have right after they get their money is…
How to hold on to it?
And a big part of that plan is stopping others from getting rich.
The last thing the rich and elites want is competition in the form of more and more rich people.
Which also means for the vast majority of people with a blocked pineal gland or 6th Chakra…
The money, freedom, vacations, and cars are always out of reach.
So no matter what you try to attract...
The chances are…you won’t.
This is what the Elites are hiding from you.
Michael explained how…
The technology his team used was to clear the pineal gland of the test subjects so they could enter into deep flow states.
He used the oldest and most powerful technology on earth when it comes to regulating our mood, emotions and brain waves.
That technology is sound.
Think about it.
A simple sound can change how you feel in a second.
A sound can make you feel fear, like when you hear an alarm or siren.
Or a simple sound can lull you to sleep in a second.
Sound can be used to heal, like in a healing sound bath.
Or to torture someone with white noise, or worse.
Michael explained how…
The technology his team used was to clear the pineal gland of the test subjects so they could enter into deep flow states.
He used the oldest and most powerful technology on earth when it comes to regulating our mood, emotions and brain waves.
That technology is sound.
Think about it.
A simple sound can change how you feel in a second.
A sound can make you feel fear, like when you hear an alarm or siren.
Or a simple sound can lull you to sleep in a second.
Sound can be used to heal, like in a healing sound bath.
Or to torture someone with white noise, or worse.
According to the Journal of Nature Communications in 2023, sounds can even be used to alter Gene expression.
3000 years ago…the ancients believed, and many still do today, that clearing the third eye or Pineal Gland leads to enlightenment and powerful insights.
The third eye, or 6th Chakra, is the channel through which we connect with deeper conscious states like the Deep Flow State, where we can become one with the universe and channel from it our deepest desires.
The Egyptians were known for their use of the sacred sound, or "ma'at," to connect with the divine and achieve spiritual enlightenment by clearing the third eye.
Tibetan Buddhists employed a variety of sound-based practices, including the use of singing bowls, mantras, and overtone singing.
These practices are believed to clear and activate the Pineal Gland.
Nikola Tesla, a renowned inventor and futurist, was obsessed with the frequency and vibration of sound too.
He was fascinated by the power of sound and its potential applications in various fields such as energy transmission, communication with other dimensions, and even to heal the human body.
Einstein was also intrigued by the Pineal Gland, which he considered to be a gateway to higher states of consciousness.
He believed that the pineal gland could be stimulated by certain sounds, which could lead to increased creativity, intuition, and spiritual awareness.
“The focus in our research was to come up with a sound that worked on opening up the Pineal Gland or 6th chakra so our subjects could feel the manifesting power of the Alpha waves in the deep flow state.”
“After over 12 months of research, we finally isolated the perfect sound frequency.”
“The clue for the right sound frequency to use came from the ma'at sound that was used in ancient Egypt to open up the third eye. “
“More than any other ancient culture, the Egyptians were obsessed with the third eye or 6th Chakra”
“Their famous God Horus had a third eye on his forehead.”
According to the Journal of Nature Communications in 2023, sounds can even be used to alter Gene expression.
3000 years ago…the ancients believed, and many still do today, that clearing the third eye or Pineal Gland leads to enlightenment and powerful insights.
The third eye, or 6th Chakra, is the channel through which we connect with deeper conscious states like the Deep Flow State, where we can become one with the universe and channel from it our deepest desires.
The Egyptians were known for their use of the sacred sound, or "ma'at," to connect with the divine and achieve spiritual enlightenment by clearing the third eye.
Tibetan Buddhists employed a variety of sound-based practices, including the use of singing bowls, mantras, and overtone singing.
These practices are believed to clear and activate the Pineal Gland.
Nikola Tesla, a renowned inventor and futurist, was obsessed with the frequency and vibration of sound too.
He was fascinated by the power of sound and its potential applications in various fields such as energy transmission, communication with other dimensions, and even to heal the human body.
Einstein was also intrigued by the Pineal Gland, which he considered to be a gateway to higher states of consciousness.
He believed that the pineal gland could be stimulated by certain sounds, which could lead to increased creativity, intuition, and spiritual awareness.
“The focus in our research was to come up with a sound that worked on opening up the Pineal Gland or 6th chakra so our subjects could feel the manifesting power of the Alpha waves in the deep flow state.”
“After over 12 months of research, we finally isolated the perfect sound frequency.”
“The clue for the right sound frequency to use came from the ma'at sound that was used in ancient Egypt to open up the third eye. “
“More than any other ancient culture, the Egyptians were obsessed with the third eye or 6th Chakra”
“Their famous God Horus had a third eye on his forehead.”
“Our frequency was so accurate to activate the alphas wave of the deep flow state that it has seven decimal points.”
“And once you begin listening to it…you will enter the same deep flow state that our researchers and scientists were in to feel great and attract wealth and abundance effortlessly.”
“Listen for just 7 minutes a day, and you will start to see an unbelievable transformation in your life,” Michael said
“Money worries disappearing.”
“Money showing up from the most unexpected places.”
“Feeling great mentally and physically.”
“Our frequency was so accurate to activate the alpha waves of the deep flow state that it has seven decimal points.”
“And once you begin listening to it…you will enter the same deep flow state that our researchers and scientists were in to feel great and attract wealth and abundance effortlessly.”
“Listen for just 7 minutes a day, and you will start to see an unbelievable transformation in your life,” Michael said
“Money worries disappearing.”
“Money showing up from the most unexpected places.”
“Feeling great mentally and physically.”
“Look at your Robin Hood account online."
“Look at your Robin Hood account online."
Life has changed a lot since then...
In a good way.
Life has changed a lot since then... In a good way.
So I had to try this mystical sound on other people.
So I had to try this mystical sound on other people.
That’s why we came up with the
Deep Flow Code
That’s why we came up with the
Deep Flow Code
I don’t need your money here today.
And let’s face it…
It’s less than the cost of 5 Starbucks Coffees.
For a lifetime of financial freedom and security.
And don’t worry.
Just hit the instant access button below now.
Once you do…
You will be taken to the secure order page, where you will be asked to enter your details.
The order form is encrypted with the same 244 levels of inscription Amazon uses on its websites.
As Deep Flow Code is a fully digital program,
There will be no waiting around for a package to be posted to you. It will be sent directly to your email inbox immediately.
I don’t need your money here today.
And let’s face it…
It’s less than the cost of 5 Starbucks Coffees.
For a lifetime of financial freedom and security.
And don’t worry.
Here’s how it works.
Hit the instant access button below now. Enter your payment details and get instant access to Deep Flow Code.
And if, for any reason in the next 90 days, you feel this is not for you…
Simply send a quick email to the address provided, and you will be refunded immediately.
No quibbling and no questions asked.
Just hit the instant access button below now.
Once you do…
You will be taken to the secure order page, where you will be asked to enter your details.
The order form is encrypted with the same 244 levels of inscription Amazon uses on its websites.
As Deep Flow Code is a fully digital program,
There will be no waiting around for a package to be posted to you. It will be sent directly to your email inbox immediately.